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Would you drive your car until it ran out of fuel?

So why run yourself into the ground before taking a break?

I was thinking about this when driving to a friend's wedding party the other day.

I was running late

And then I got in the car and realised I needed petrol


I had a choice. Get petrol now and be an extra 10 minutes late, because damn it was rush-hour and the petrol station would be busy

Or risk it

*Maybe* it would be ok

But what if it wasn't?

I'd need to make an expensive call to the AA to come and rescue me, and I'd be mega late to the wedding

And I realised this is what I teach my one-to-one MINDSET clients about switching off.

Learn how to take 5 minutes at a time that's convenient to you so you never run completely empty. That way

1) you can keep going and keep all those balls in the air

2) you don't either (a) crash or (b) need a whole week on holiday with no commitments to feel like a human again

If you're finding you can't switch off without several hours to yourself and an empty to-do list (ie. never) maybe it's time to do things differently

That's why I'm running I'm introducing a 4 week group programme specifically on how to switch off.

Want to learn how to replenish your energy in just 5 minutes, so you can keep all those balls in the air AND feel good while doing it?

Join The SWITCH-OFF TOOLKIT and enjoy your evenings and weekends even if it feels like your brain won't let you.

Send me an email for more details


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