This is what it means to me ⬇️
Finishing work on time, without guilt you should have done more
Curling up with a book on a Sunday evening with no thoughts about the upcoming working week
Going for the promotion you know you're good enough for AND enjoying it
Also NOT going for that promotion you know you're good enough for because you don't actually want it
Saying "no" when you can't do a favour for someone, without making up an excuse about the cat needing her fur washed that day, without feeling like a terrible person
Saying “yes” to more things that you actually want to do without feeling overwhelmed, like that yoga retreat and lunch with a friend
Saying ‘no’ to things that don’t actually make you happy but you think should like (for me, that's musical theatre... I want to like it, but I really don't...)
Not worrying what people think of you
Being confident to ask for help without feeling ashamed, embarrassed or disappointed
Being that person that stays calm in a crisis
Spontaneously accepting plans that feel exciting, even if you don't have time to plan them perfectly
Going to bed at night feeling proud of yourself because you know you're the best version of you EVEN when you make mistakes
And the biggest one for me right now - feeling joy and gratitude every day even when things are hard
Of course mindfulness helps me achieve all these things
And let's me spot when I'm doing things from a place of FOMO rather than real desire.
If you want to live your life like this, why not see if my one-to-one coaching is right for you?
But before then, I'd love to know what "living your best life" means for you - let me know in the comments 🥰
*Also, it’s totally cool if that's what “living your best life” means for you. As long as you're doing it for the right reasons and not to suppress the stress you feel all day Monday - Friday like Old Me.