12 week mindful living group coaching
Monday 11th Nov 2024 - Friday 14th Feb 2025
(includes 2 week break for Christmas Monday 23rd Dec - Friday 3rd Jan)
What is it?
A group programme for hard-working professionals that want to stop feeling that constant worry from never quite being good enough, and start enjoying more of life.
You’ll learn how to LIVE mindfully, or how to make mindfulness part of your life all the time.
And when you do that, it’s like upgrading the operating system on your computer. Your programs and files are still there, but everything runs more smoothly, feels more enjoyable and you wonder how on Earth you coped before.
Is it for me?
You really want to be good at everything you do and that drives you to question yourself so much - you don’t want to let down your clients, colleagues or friends and family.
You know you could sometimes do less, but it feels so uncomfortable stopping when something isn’t perfect, that you may as well keep working.
It means you struggle to switch off and enjoy your time off because you’re worrying you should have done more. And if you’re totally honest, even when you have all your ducks in a row, you don't enjoy your free time because you stress about making that perfect too so that you “make the most of the time off”.
You know mindful living would help, but you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. You tried meditating once but your mind just kept thinking and you felt more stressed, not less.
You want support and accountability to learn to live mindfully, so you don’t start questioning how to stop questioning yourself.
Why join?
What if life could be different?
What if you could wake up in the morning and feel excited about going to work, knowing you were good enough to handle anything that came through the door? EVEN if that meant asking for help - what if that didn’t mean you were a failure and what if you could feel proud of yourself, even when you weren’t “perfect”?
What if you could relax and enjoy your free time, without worrying about the working week (or day) ahead?
And what if you could have the support to make this a way of life? A personalised 7-step MINDFUL ™ plan, with your own Mindful Operating Procedures (affectionately known as MOPs), so the next time you’re struggling to decide whether or not to take a lunch break, you have a process to follow.
How different would that make life?
With JUMPSTART, that's possible.
How does it work?
At the moment, you’re seeing the world through filters, while worrying about things in the past and future that aren’t relevant to whatever you’re doing in that moment.
You hear a colleague say you did a good job, but your mind interprets it totally differently, telling you that your colleague didn’t mean it, that they were only being nice.
When you learn to live mindfully, you learn to look at the moment in front of you and see the world HONESTLY, objectively and without filters and beliefs that are holding you back.
In JUMPSTART, you learn how to make this a way of life. Over 6 workshops and 12 weeks, you learn how to apply mindfulness to everyday life, each time creating personalised Mindful Operating Procedures that work for you.
What's included?
6 x group workshops via zoom (alternate Tuesdays 8-9.30pm)
Weekly check-ins via WhatsApp; every Monday you’ll share an updated MINDFUL ™ plan, including reflections on what’s working and what isn’t.
1 x one-to-one EFT to reprogram the beliefs that make it hard to be mindful first 6 sign-ups only
If you're ready to say goodbye to never feeling good enough and want to JUMPSTART your journey with mindful living, I’d love to welcome you to JUMPSTART.
Just scroll back to the top and follow the steps to the checkout.
Maximum 12 places available.
Important info
When completing payment you'll be asked for your shipping address - there is no item to be shipped. Please ensure your email address is correct.